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Bagged salmon with capsicums and olives

Spanish inspired quick meals - Part 2.

Ingredients (serves 4):
4 salmon fillets
olive oil
2 tsp honey
2 cloves garlic, chopped
sprinkling of dried herbs of your choice (oregano, fennel, rosemary, etc), optional
salt and pepper to taste
1 red capsicum, chopped
1 red yellow capsicum, chopped
12-15 cherry or honey tomatoes, halved
12-15 black olives, pitted and halved
large squares of grease-proof paper for wrapping fish

1. Rub salmon fillets with salt and pepper, honey, olive oil, chopped garlic, and if using, about 1 tsp of herbs of your choice.
2. Place 1 piece of fish in the centre of each sheet of grease-proof paper.
3. Divide capsicums, olives and tomatoes among the fish. Place them on top and around the fish.
4. Wrap each fish up in the grease-proof paper and scrunch the top to secure.
5. Place them in a baking tray so that the juices will not run out.
6. Bake in an oven at 200 deg C for 10 minutes until cooked.

Prepare this in the morning and store in the refrigerator. Bake it when you return. Add a sprinkling of paprika if you want it a little spicy.

Recipe source: Family magazine (Feb 2007)

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