2 large napa cabbages
250g spring onion
1/2 cup salt
1 cup radish juice
2-3 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup dried shrimps, rinsed
1 walnut size ginger knob
6 cloves garlic
1/2 - 3/4 cup ground chilli
1. Cut each napa cabbage into quarter wedges. Rub plenty of salt between leaves. Let stand for 2 hours until soft. Use a heavy pot or bowl to press napa cabbage. Rinse and dry.
2. Clean and rinse spring onions. Cut into almost same lengths as napa cabbage. Lightly crush the thicker (white portion) stalk of spring onions.
3. Ground or pound dried shrimps, ginger and garlic until fine. Mix with sugar, radish juice and ground chilli.
4. Spread chilli mixture between leaves of napa cabbage, putting a few stalks of spring onion between some leaves.
5. Pack tightly into pickle jar or crock pot. Press packed kimchi with a weight (use a heavy plate or bowl depending on size of container; or a thoroughly washed brick, and wrap the pot with cling foil and aluminium foil). Leave it in the refrigerator to pickle for at least 4 days before serving.
6. Cut kimchi crosswise into 3-4cm wide slices. Ladle a few spoonfuls of liquid over it and serve chilled.
Recipe source: Lifestyle magazine